Natural resources conservations.
1. Energy saving. Water is crucial in agronomy and it has a deep impact in the production cost
High efficiency irrigation system
Water usage management.
Water availability and program
2. Soil management and conservation. Soil management is crucial for agronomy and sustainability.
Direct herbs plantation
Nutrient analysis. Soil, Water, mulching and feeding plan
Biodiversity protection
We have always been very sensible as far as animal species protection is concerned. We are strong believers that fauna and Flora are crucial to be able to get the best sustainable production.
Parasites control. Massive capture and Sexual confusion techniques
Weeds and natural herbs control.
Fertirrigation and soil protection
Conservation of reserve areas, forests, lakes, ponds, etc. according to EU norm 92/43/CEE
Animal protection. Including nests, lairs, and promoting Box nest in order to allow birds of prey to live in the farms. We are also promoting anti-electrical systems according to EU Birds norm 79/409/CEE
Promote the usage of new varieties better adapted